Although it may come as a surprise, digital mailrooms have been around for more than 30 years. Despite the shift away from paper correspondence, digital mailrooms continue to be an important part of the Digital Transformation toolkit and journey.
reap the full benefits of a digital mailroom, the mindset must consider more
than simply purchasing production scanners, installing them in the old
mailroom, photographing every piece of paper as it enters the organisation, and
emailing it to a member of staff or team email address.
most emails are routed to personal inboxes, many businesses use generic email
boxes to receive electronic correspondence from both customers and suppliers.
The same principles apply to these generic email boxes as they do to digital
mailrooms – receiving emails and attachments in digital format does not
represent digital transformation! Here are some things to think about when
setting up your digital mailroom:
Have somewhere for your digital
mail to go
may seem obvious; however, if the answer is into someone's email inbox or into
a folder in a file sharing system, your investment is likely to be squandered.
Digital documents must be stored and filed in a digital system in the same way
that paper records are. Digital transformation does not entail directing digital
versions of your inbound mail to an email inbox or a file share. This is simply
digitising an analogue process and adding costs without providing any of the
desired benefits…read
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